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Upcoming Workshop

How to Use Your Story Through Stone
Reflection Cards ~ Online!

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Monday, June 20, 2022

10:00am-11:00am Pacific Time


Somewhere along your journey through this world you've stumbled upon the beautiful and mysterious Story Through Stone Reflection Cards, which feature the naturally-occurring imagery of billion year-old stones. You may still be mystified, intrigued and delighted with your deck, but how to use them? Wait no more for the answers! 


Creator Cyndera Quackenbush, will offer this online workshop so that those who have purchased the deck throughout the world can come together and learn the life-long Story Through Stone practice. 


Participants in this Workshop will:


- Hear the story of how Story Through Stone came to be

- Learn how the human imagination interacts with billion-year old imagery to unlock powerful stories for personal reflection

- Learn the card-reading basics that make Story Through Stone a powerful intuitive and soul-searching tool

- Discover card reading spreads that work well with this particular deck and also how to create your own

- Have any questions answered regarding the stone images featured, or any other questions on the process

- The space to share and connect with the stories we see and create

- Create community with a common love of nature imagination and meaning-making

- This workshop is designed for both beginners and experts in card-reading techniques!


Only $20 for this 1-hour Workshop!


Interested, but this time doesn't work for you?

Schedule your own Session here!








© 2025 by Cyndera Quackenbush

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